Is it safe to enlarge your penis surgically?

Standard ligamentotomy (an operation to increase the length of the penis) is performed through an incision in the pubic area, but is time-consuming: a large incision must be made. At the incision site, a noticeable scar remains, and the subcutaneous tissue and fat are severely injured.

Today, many clinics offering surgical penis enlargement perform the operation through the scrotal approach. This allows you to significantly reduce its duration from 1-1. 5 hours (the average duration of a standard ligamentotomy) to 10-15 minutes. After surgery with scrotal access, no unsightly scar remains in the pubic area, as with the standard technique, and the incision in the scrotal area heals, almost without a trace.

Phalloplasty: what it is, reasons for use and contraindications

Penile plastic surgery involves restoring the functions of the penis (both its urinary and sexual function) or changing its external characteristics.

But, in addition to the main reasons, there are many others in medicine:

  • abnormal changes on the penis;
  • damage caused by various injuries (mechanical, thermal, chemical);
  • underdevelopment of the organ or its small length/thickness;
  • deformation of the genital organ;
  • neoplasms (malignant);
  • gangrene;
  • removal of an organ for any other reason;
  • erectile dysfunction, etc.
penis enlargement surgery

Most often, men turn to specialists who perform penis enlargement operations due to dissatisfaction with the appearance of the penis and, in particular, its size. There is a certain indicator of the norm, according to which the normal length of the penis varies from 12 to 15 cm, but it is important to measure it correctly.

The penis is measured using three parameters:

  1. at rest;
  2. when stretched;
  3. with an erection.

The measurement is taken in a room at room temperature immediately after undressing to avoid tissue contraction due to cooling.You can stretch your penis as much as possible by gently grabbing it and pulling it by the head.

The organ is measured along his back (from the pubis to the edge of the head). In this case it is advisable to hold the penis so that there is a right angle between it and the abdominal wall. If the length of the genital organ is less than 9. 5 cm, then we can say that the man has a small genital organ.

But, unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger sex who have expressed such a desire can resort to this operation. There are numerous specific contraindications to phalloplasty.These include:

  • irreversible organ pathologies;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • mental disorders;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases or genital infections;
  • diabetes;
  • leukemia, etc.

To find out more about the surgery, and at the same time consult a doctor about the possibility of having it performed,It is necessary to visit a sexologist initially, and then a urologist-andrologist.After receiving a sufficient amount of information and passing the examination, you can go directly to a surgeon with experience in performing specific operations on the male genital organ.

Surgical methods to lengthen the penis and increase its girth (girth) have been widely used since 1991. However, not enough research has yet been conducted to accurately predict the results and possible risks of the surgery. Therefore, a study at the Institute of Urology in London showed that only 35% of patients who underwent male enhancement surgery were satisfied with the results. Half of those who have undergone the procedure again resort to the services of a surgeon.

An indication for surgery is a penis shorter than 10 cm in the erect state.

Penis enlargement

This is the most common operation on the penis and is performed under general anesthesia for no more than an hour.

  • The length of the reproductive organ is shorter than average;
  • Customer desire;
  • Congenital and acquired pathologies.

Methods of performing surgery are divided into two groups:

Pubic. Disadvantage: the surgery takes longer, scars remain;

Scrotal. It is gaining popularity due to easy rehabilitation and absence of scars.

The patient is consulted by an anesthesiologist.


Lipofilling is a procedure aimed at increasing the width of the penis. Fats taken from the patient's abdominal wall are pumped directly into the trunk. Lipofilling is not particularly difficult. But there are many nuances:

  • dignity becomes greater only in breadth;
  • the effect persists for a short period of time.

That is, the patient's adipose tissue acts like an implant; over time the fat is absorbed, for this reason it is necessary to repeat the operation after a certain period of time.

But lipofilling allows us to minimize the probability of foreign body rejection and therefore reduce the risk of developing unwanted complications (threat to the patient's life and health).

It is possible to evaluate the result before and after during a consultation with an andrologist; if the man is satisfied with everything, the day for surgery is set and the necessary recommendations are given: what needs to be done before and after.

effect after penis enlargement surgery

The duration of the recovery period varies from 3 to 5 weeks, during which you will have to completely abandon sexual contact with women.

Lengthen or thicken the penis?

The average length of the penis when erect is approximately 12-15 cm. The average length of the vagina varies between 7 and 10 cm. The most sensitive vaginal point is located on the anterior wall, at a depth of 2 -3 cm from the entrance. Therefore, the vast majority of men reach it, which allows you to influence the most innervated fragments of the vagina. Often the problem is not the length of the penis, but its too small circumference.

In connection with the above, during the procedure, specialists focus on increasing the girth of the penis. This has a significant impact on increasing the intensity of sexual sensations and satisfaction during sex.

After all, a large penis is a symbol of sexual satisfaction and self-confidence.

Penis enlargement surgery: how much does it cost to surgically enlarge the penis?

After trying all methods: from pills and creams to extreme NUP, men, dissatisfied with the size of their genitals, decide that penis enlargement surgery is the only possible solution.

We will consider all types of surgical interventions in the male intimate sphere, find out the approximate prices and clinics where such operations are performed.

Men are divided into different categories:

  • have a medium size, which fits him and his partner perfectly;
  • has a normal, medium or large size, but would like to have an even larger size;
  • has a small penis and would like to enlarge it (remember that the lower limit of the normal length of an erect penis is considered to be 7 cm);
  • there are consequences of injury or disease of the penis.

Penis enlargement by surgery is carried out both for medical reasons and for the purpose of correcting the aesthetic appearance

After trying all methods, from pills and creams to extreme NUP, men, dissatisfied with the size of their genitals, decide that penis enlargement surgery is the only possible solution.

Characteristics of the operation

Before carrying out the operation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the features of this procedure.

Phalloplasty allows you to lengthen the penis by removing its hidden part. The essence of this operation is as follows:

  • the penis lengthens thanks to the dissection of the retaining ligament,
  • a special biopolymer matrix is introduced into the skin, which accelerates the development of connective tissue several times,
  • After the operation, cell recovery will accelerate, which will also affect the size.

Once the male enhancement surgery is completed, the new position of the penis will be formed. Therefore, you will have to use the extender for some time to fix the position of the penis. If you refuse the extender, over time the penis will return to its previous position and the operation will not bring any results.

It is known that surgically it is possible not only to lengthen the penis, but also to make it thicker. This is done in several ways:

how much can you enlarge your penis
  • Insertion of the rectus muscle from the abdomen under the skin of the penis. Many doctors use this method for thickening. The advantages of this method include the fact that your own tissue is used during the operation. It does not interfere with blood circulation and takes root almost immediately. However, many people are discouraged from this type of phalloplasty because the procedure is too expensive.
  • The use of special fillers. Some specialists increase the thickness of the penis using synthetic gels. This penis enlargement must take place under local anesthesia. Many people use this procedure to temporarily enlarge their penis. Because after 9-10 months the fillers will have to be reinjected under the skin.
  • Fat tissue injection. Penis enlargement with adipose tissue is popular among men. The injected tissue eventually takes root under the skin, which leads to significant thickening of the penis.
  • Application of the biocollagen matrix. After the operation, the number of corpora cavernosa increases. As a result, this increases the diameter of the penis.
  • Penile prosthesis. During the operation, the patient is implanted with an artificial prosthesis. This type of phalloplasty is performed when patients have sexual dysfunction problems. Most often, penile prosthesis is performed if the patient has previously undergone metoidioplasty.
structure of the penis

If you refuse the extender, over time the penis will return to its previous position and the operation will not bring any results.

How is the procedure performed on the genital organ?

If your doctor is an experienced and licensed genital surgeon, the main phase will last no more than 30-35 minutes.

It looks like this:

  • the patient is placed under general anesthesia;
  • the entire genital area, at the same time the stomach, legs are generously disinfected with iodine;
  • the doctor coldly cuts the penis with a scalpel;
  • the incision is made on the scrotum, exactly along the dark line, the natural suture of the midline. If you turn the phallus, you will see it with the naked eye. By the way, after healing, the scar is masked along the line and becomes invisible even upon closer inspection;
  • The corpora cavernosa move laterally - this is how the doctor finds a way out to the periosteum. At this point the ligament that connects the phallus to the pubic bone is positioned. The point is that about a third of the actual length is here. These viscera are removed;
  • the doctor evaluates how long the penis is, focusing on the sign. If all goes well, the incision is sutured. On average, the length increases by 3 cm.

The length of the penis after surgery in a calm state will remain unchanged. Don't expect everything to freeze impressively.You will see the full effect in the erection. The fault lies with the tunica albuginea. It covers the bodies which fill with blood when excited.

If all goes well, the incision is sutured.

Implantation of silicone prostheses

Penis enlargement through surgery with hypoallergenic silicone implants is another effective and safe approach. In this case, materials of anatomically correct shape are used, which form a beautiful sexual organ with sufficient sensitivity. To avoid rejection, it is recommended to choose implants from well-known manufacturers and follow the doctor's instructions during the recovery process.

As a result of active cell division, the organic structure of the product is gradually replaced by soft connective tissues, which remain in the penis throughout life.

Question: Under what anesthesia is the operation performed?

Answer:Ligamentotomy is performed under general anesthesia.

Request:Is surgery possible under local anesthesia?

Answer:The operation is performed only under general anesthesia. Theoretically it is possible under local anesthesia, but the pain will be quite severe.

Request:I am about to undergo penis enlargement surgery and would like to know briefly the side effects.

How penis enlargement surgery is performed

Answer:Ligamentotomy does not cause any disturbance of potency and reproductive function in men, since the muscles, ligaments and vessels responsible for erection are not affected during the operation. Side effects of general anesthesia include drowsiness (1-1. 5 hours after surgery) and limitation of driving for 1 day.

Request:I would like to know at what age can I undergo penis enlargement surgery?

Answer:Ligamentotomy can be performed from the age of 18.

Request:I would like to enlarge my penis. How long will the treatment take?

Answer:The actual operation takes up to an hour. Afterwards a 1 day clinic stay is usually required. The extender can be worn for 3 to 6 months, 2-6 hours a day.

Request:Where is the ligamentotomy incision?

Answer:Access to the suspensory ligament of the penis can be organized in two ways: along the midline of the scrotum or in the pubic area. An incision along the midline of the scrotum makes the operation less traumatic and gives a good aesthetic result. The postoperative suture heals quickly due to the good blood supply to the scrotum and becomes practically invisible after 2-3 weeks. Access to the pubic area can be made when maximum release of the internal part of the penis, hidden deep in the body, is required. We can discuss all this on the first date. The photo shows the pubic and scrotal access, immediately after the operation.

Request:How often will dressings need to be applied after ligamentotomy?

Answer:The first dressing is done on the day of discharge from the clinic (i. e. one day after surgery). Subsequent medications and their need are prescribed by the attending physician.

Request:Is it possible to do this on a weekend?

Answer:Yes, we work on weekends. After the operation on Saturday, you will be able to return to work on Monday without any pain or discomfort.

At the first visit, the list of studies can be changed based on the presence of concomitant diseases.

Possible complications

complications after penis enlargement surgery

If you feel discomfort after penis enlargement surgery, you should consult a doctor immediately

Modern medicine offers men improved techniques for penis enlargement. Therefore, most operations occur without complications. However, the possibility of negative consequences cannot be ruled out. Complications may arise due to a surgeon's error or the patient's failure to comply with the rules for caring for the male genital organ.

After surgery, the purpose of which is to increase the size of the penis, the following complications may occur:

  1. Sharp pain during erection.
  2. Bleeding during urination.
  3. Tissue infection.
  4. Unstable position of the penis during sex.
  5. Decreased sensitivity of the head of the organ.
  6. Discomfort during and after sexual intercourse.

You should report such problems to your doctor immediately so that they can be resolved in a timely manner.

Some men who have undergone penis enlargement surgery complain of other unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Chronic pain in the penis area.
  2. Dark spots and bruises in the intimate areas.
  3. Skin inflammation.
  4. Deformation of the penis.
  5. Erectile dysfunction of a permanent or temporary nature.

Such problems can be avoided if you entrust your health to a competent specialist with extensive experience in performing surgical manipulations on the genital organ.

Size matters?

From a physiological point of view, no. But sex is not a mechanical rubbing between two partners, it is a whole complex of human experiences. Self-confidence, the desire to make your partner happy, sexual habits and much more play an important role in this.

"The fact is that the spread in the "norm" is quite large. 11 or 18 centimeters still represents a significant difference, says plastic surgeon Andrei Istranov. — Size matters, in the sense that a lot depends on the partner, his adaptation and sexual experience. And it's not about the size of the penis of your partner's previous man, but also about her reactions and expectations. In women, the receptors can be concentrated in different parts of the genital organs: in the clitoris, at the entrance to the vagina , on its anterior surface or somewhere near the cervix. The diameter of the penis is important if the receptors are concentrated at the entrance or along the walls of the vagina, the length if around the cervix. And this means that the ability, the position, understanding between a man's partners are as important as size. There is no universal penis that can satisfy any woman. "

The first, the most common, is due to the patient's own tissues.

Preparation for ligamentotomy

Before ligamentotomy, you must undergo a comprehensive examination

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to mentally prepare for the procedure, which takes from 20 minutes to an hour, before the procedure the patient must undergo a series of tests:

  • Interview with the urologist who will perform the operation.
  • Psychiatric examination.
  • General urine and blood tests.
  • Biochemical analysis.
  • Urethral swab.
  • Blood tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis.
  • ECG.
  • Fluorography.
  • Consultation with an anesthesiologist.

10 hours before the procedure, food and water intake is completely excluded. They prepare the field for the operation: they shave the groin.